Formalizing Ideals in Commutative Algebra

This project was my first research experience and my introduction to the world of formalization. I undertook an extracurricular internship following a “Logic and Proofs” taught by Prof. Pierre-Yves Strub during my second year of undergraduate.

The following is a brief example of the sort of work that was done.


The only mathematical prerequiste for understanding this project is to know what a ring is. Once we have this in mind, we start by defining ideals:

Let $(R, +, \cdot)$ be a ring. $I$ is an ideal of this ring if

  • $0 \in I$
  • $\forall x, y \in I$, $x + y \in I$
  • $\forall r \in R, x \in I, rx \in I$

We can now go about formalizing this definition in Coq. We use predicates as representations of sets: the predicate holds true for an element if and only if that element is in our set (it may help to think of it as a characteristic function). A subset of our ring $R$ is thus of type pred R, we can define an ideal as a predicate on which the following conditions hold:

Definition is_ideal (p : pred R) :=
  [/\ p 0
    , forall x y, p x -> p y -> p (x + y)
    & forall x y, p y -> p (x * y)].

Notice that because we are characterizing over $R$, the _ + _ and _ * _ operations are implicitly those of the ring.

Our Goal

Let $\mathfrak{J}$ be the set of all ideals of a ring $R$.

Now, ideals are used for cryptography and, in the context of a cryptographic verification project, we are interested in showing that the structure $(\mathfrak{J}, +, \cdot)$ is a semi-ring.

Here, the $+$ and $\cdot$ operators are not the usual addition and multiplication, but rather operations on the ideals themselves (which are sets).

Formalizing Multiplication for Ideals

We will demonstrate the formalization process by examining the following definition of multiplication of ideals and an accompanying lemma:

Let $\mathfrak{a}$ and $\mathfrak{b}$ be two ideals of $R$. Then, the product of $\mathfrak{a}$ and $\mathfrak{b}$, written $\mathfrak{a} \cdot \mathfrak{b}$ or $\mathfrak{a} \mathfrak{b}$, is defined as:

\[\mathfrak{a} \mathfrak{b} = \left\{ \sum_{i < n} a_i b_i \,\middle|\, n \in \mathbb{N}, a_0, \ldots, a_{n-1} \in \mathfrak{a}, b_0, \ldots, b_{n-1} \in \mathfrak{b} \right\} .\]

Remember that we choose to characterize sets through boolean predicates. We can thus represent the product of two ideals as a predicate is_idealM_r p q over $R$, where $p$ and $q$ are two ideals of $R$:

Definition is_idealM_r (p q : pred R) : pred R :=
  fun x =>
    decide (
      exists2 s : seq (R * R), forall y, y \in s -> y.1 \in p /\ y.2 \in q &
      x = \sum_(y <- s) y.1 * y.2).

Informally, is_idealM_r p q is a predicate over elements $x \in R$ which is true iff there exists \((a_i)_{i \leq k} \in p\) and $ (b_i)_{i \leq k} \in q$ such that \(x = \sum_{i=0}^k a_i \cdot b_i\).

One of the conditions for $(\mathfrak{J}, +, \cdot)$ to be a semi-ring is that ideals need to be stable under mulitplication. We thus want to show that if $\mathfrak{a}$ and $\mathfrak{b}$ are ideals, then $\mathfrak{a}\mathfrak{b}$ is an ideal.

Proving that ideals are stable under multiplication

To do this in Coq, we just prove that is_idealM_r p q is an ideal (no need to try and understand the following proof):

Lemma is_idealM (p q : ideals) : is_ideal (is_idealM_r p q).
split=> [|x y|x y].
- by apply/is_idealM_rP; exists [::] => //; rewrite big_nil.
- case/is_idealM_rP=> [sx hx] ->; case/is_idealM_rP=> [sy hy] ->.
  apply/is_idealM_rP; exists (sx ++ sy) => [z|]; last by rewrite big_cat.
  by rewrite mem_cat => /orP [] ?; [apply: hx|apply: hy].
case/is_idealM_rP=> [s hs] ->; rewrite mulr_sumr.
pose t := [seq (x * z.1, z.2) | z <- s].
apply/is_idealM_rP; exists t.
- case => a b /mapP [] [] a' b' /hs /= [] pa' qb' [] -> ->.
  by split => //; apply is_idealS.
by rewrite big_map /=; apply eq_bigr =>  i _; rewrite mulrA.

What I would like to highlight here is not the structure of the proof, but a subtelty that arrises with the use of is_idealM_rP.

Lemma is_idealM_rP (p q : pred R) (x : R) :
    (exists2 s : seq (R * R),
       forall y, y \in s -> y.1 \in p /\ y.2 \in q &
       x = \sum_(y <- s) y.1 * y.2)
    (is_idealM_r p q x).
Proof. by apply/decideP. Qed.

This lemma uses reflect to relate the boolean value is_idealM_r p q x with a proposition about the existence of s. We can then apply this proposition in proofs when needed. Notice that the proof of this reflection relies on the following:

Axiom Prop_bool : forall (P : Prop), {P} + {~P}.

Definition decide (P : Prop) : bool :=
  Prop_bool P.

Lemma decideP P : reflect P (decide P).
Proof. by rewrite /decide; case: Prop_bool => /=; constructor. Qed.

Which includes an assumption of the law of excluded middle ($P \lor \lnot P$) in the form of {P} + {~P}. We allowed ourselves to posit the axiom because we don’t need the benefits offered by constructivism, such as code extraction, for this project.